Eva Perez-Greene

Previous Alumni

Eva Perez-Greene is a 2019 graduate of Columbia College, where she studied a combination of  history, languages, and premedical sciences. Eva misses the residents of TCC with whom she began making art projects inspired by her interest in art history, as an RCSS intern during her sophomore summer.  Eva is grateful to Robert Pollack and the RCSS interns who have since taken up the therapeutic practice, now called START, Student-Lead Art Therapy Program.


Eva currently works in Dr. Alon Herschhorn’s laboratory at the University of Minnesota where she is very excited to help develop new tools to study, at the molecular and cellular levels, the mechanisms underlying HIV-1 virus-host interactions. Eva also loves the children and teens she works with in an after-school intensive outpatient program, and she is passionate about attentive collaboration with patients, families, and her colleagues to promote optimal treatment outcomes for children. 


She is excited to keep learning as much as she can about biology and ethics.