Dr. Ashley Shaw is a current PGY1 in the MGHfC Pediatrics Residency. She received her MD/MBA in 2019 from Harvard Medical School and Harvard Business School. Prior to medical school, Ashley worked full-time as a Project Coordinator for Quality of Life and Medical Administration in at ArchCare at Terence Cardinal Cooke working to improve interdisciplinary delivery of palliative and end of life care for the vulnerable elderly. During medical school, she cultivated a passion for primary care and social determinants of health across the lifespan and served as the Co-Leader for the Student Leadership Committee of the Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care. Ashley is passionate about pediatrics, geriatrics, and public health and hopes to utilize her MD/MBA joint degree to improve both private and public sector community-based programs for vulnerable populations. Along with Dr. Lisa Rotenstein, Ashley founded CareZooming.com, a new organization that accessibly and affordably connects on-the-ground clinicians to one another for implementation guidance on their next healthcare delivery project.
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